N*thing is Possible

Transforming Hospitality: A Sustainable Future

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of sustainability within the hospitality sector has evolved from a mere buzzword to a crucial operational ethos. The exhibition N*thing is Possible, a collaboration between the innovative hospitality brand Potato Head and the acclaimed architecture firm OMA, co-curated by David Gianotten and Shinji Takagi, at the Singapore Design Week 2022, stands as a testament to this transformative journey. This pioneering exhibition at the National Design Centre was not just a showcase but a deep dive into the realms of possibility where waste is not an endpoint but a starting line for innovation.

The core philosophy behind N*thing is Possible asserts that luxury and sustainability are not on opposite ends of the spectrum. Instead, they coexist, proving that the pursuit of zero waste and the guarantee of comfort and enjoyment are harmoniously achievable. This initiative breaks the conventional boundaries by illustrating that cross-disciplinary collaborations can turn what is considered the ‘end’ of the lifecycle of materials into a beginning—a reservoir of resources waiting to be tapped into.

In a world where sustainability standards are far from uniform, the exhibition encourages an ongoing exploration of new ways of creating and living. It emphasizes the importance of leveraging local resources and the power of knowledge sharing to pave the way for a more sustainable future. Ronald Akili, the visionary founder of Potato Head, shared his insights on how the hospitality industry, traditionally a significant source of waste, can become a catalyst for environmental and community good. Through years of commitment and learning from mistakes, Potato Head has embraced the challenge, transforming every problem into an opportunity for beauty and sustainability.

David Gianotten of OMA shed light on the conventional model of hospitality, which often leans heavily on instant comfort at the expense of sustainability. He highlighted the partnership between OMA and Potato Head, which dates back to 2012, as a journey of experimentation and innovation aimed at reducing waste and engaging with local communities. N*thing is Possible is more than an exhibition; it’s a shared investigation into the essence of sustainability in hospitality and a roadmap to achieving it.

This narrative is not just inspiring but a call to action for the hospitality industry at large. It underlines the critical need for a shift in perspective—from viewing waste as an inevitable byproduct to seeing it as an opportunity for creative and sustainable practices. N*thing is Possible serves as a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration for businesses, architects, designers, and individuals alike to reimagine the future of hospitality—one where comfort, enjoyment, and sustainability are inextricably linked.